Study Away

- Notify your bank that you will be traveling and make sure your credit/debit card will allow you to make withdrawals in the country you are traveling in.
- When traveling by train or bus, keep your luggage with you at or above your seat. There will be luggage racks in the front of most trains and busses, but it is common for luggage to get stolen off the racks on long train rides.
- Learn the basics of the language in whatever country you're traveling to.
- Get Started With Your Experience Studying Away
Take a look at the Get-Started page of the study abroad program to take your first steps in taking an academic adventure.
- Study Abroad Profile
Before scheduling an advising appointment to study away, make sure to set up your study abroad profile.
- Connect with Alumni
Get the opportunity to connect with UCSC alumni that have studied abroad or away and learn about their experiences to help build your plan.
- Identities Abroad and Away
Studying abroad and away can present students with rewarding lifelong experiences that can challenge perceptions of identity. We tend to define ourselves using different features of our personalities, backgrounds, and physical appearance.hen preparing yourself to be immersed in another culture, it is important to consider all the different ways that you identify as an individual, recognizing how your identity might be perceived abroad and away as well as how you want to present yourself to your host community.
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training and Outreach (PLATO)
Provides useful resources for scholarships and information to support underrepresented students in study abroad. Visit to learn more