Janely Cárdenas Vargas (Psychology and Latin American/latinx Studies, Merrill College’ 20)
Motivation for college: My motivation had been fueled by stereotype threat; I just really wanted to prove wrong the "statistics" on young Mexican-descent womxn. But now, my motivation is my family, mostly my sisters. I see how much I inspire them and I'd like to continue to be a good role model for them. Not a role model that doesn't commit mistakes, but a role model that always chooses happiness, love, and community.
Resources that have supported your success: Mostly individuals from the actual resources, these people are advisors, mentors, role models, and leaders. First, the First-Gen Initiative Student Steering Committee (Brittany Young and Gwynn Benner), Psychology Faculty Advisors (Rebecca Covarrubias and Saskias Casanova), The Culture and Achievement Collaborative Research Lab (Giselle Laiduc, Ibette Valle, and Tiffany Lockett), Hermanos Unidos de UCSC, CAPS Peer Educator Program Supervisor (Emilie Cate), DRC, EOP, and LSS.
What worked best: My family has given me their unconditional support. My mom in particular, has voiced how much she trusts me when I tell her about all of the things that I am doing. My family also keeps me grounded in my dream and in my heart. They remind me of all of the sacrifices I have made, that we made, to get me here and to get me to finish.
Wanted parents/guardians to know: I wanted them to know that it's going to be difficult and that college is exhausting. I wish we would've known how much I'd be absent and how much college would drain me.
Some advice I can offer to parents: I advise parents to voice and show how much they love their college student!! It is always heart warming to hear that your parents see your efforts. Also, parents, tell them that you're proud of them!! Words a lot more powerful than you think. A long and tight hug is great too!!