Christina Yu (College Ten, Cognitive Science ‘20)

christina-photoMotivation for college: To find out what I’m passionate about in life, to build and create new relationships with people, to pay back for all that my parents have sacrificed for me

Resources that have supported your success: The First Generation Initiative, College Nine and Ten Academic Advising, friends and family, EOP, Student Health Center

What worked best: I really appreciate the phone calls from my parents and little messages of encouragement they send on our family group chat.

Wanted parents/guardians to know: College can be hard. Students are always busy, going to places, doing homework, studying for the next test, or catching up with old friends, and we can easily get overburdened by all the things we are going. And sometimes it feels lonely because I have no idea what I’m doing, but knowing that my parents are back home supporting me helps a lot to relieve the stress.

Some advice I can offer to parents: Come visit your child in person if you can! Or just call and tell them that you are proud of them.