Amaris's interview with her parents
Amaris: Why did you want me to go to college?
Amaris's parents: As parents we want the best for our children and know that education is very important for a better future. Our wish is for you to achieve a lot more than what we did.
Amaris: What were some concerns you originally had about me going to college? Or what were you most scared about.
Amaris's parents: The biggest worry was being separated from you for the first time and if you needed help, we would not be there by your side. We would also wonder if you were eating well and if you had reached your dorm safely.
Amaris: How do you feel about me being in college now?
Amaris's parents: Now that you have been at the university for several years, we are at ease knowing that you have become a confident and independent person.
Amaris: What are you most proud of about what I’ve accomplished so far?
Amaris's parents: We are super proud of you! You have achieved many goals and we are especially proud that you have been active in professional organizations. You are a good role model to your brother and your entire family.