First-Gen: George Blumenthal, Former Chancellor
As a first-generation undergraduate student, when in high school, I didn’t even know it was possible to get a scholarship to college without playing football. I lived at home, went to college, and continuously worked at least 20 hours per week, first in a store, then in the public library system, and finally as an undergraduate researcher at the university. I was still able to graduate in three years and go on to graduate school.
Advice I’d give my freshman self: Feel assured that you really do belong at the university. Don’t be afraid to move outside your comfort zone, and always be open to new ideas and to thinking critically about the subjects you are learning. Be willing to seize those opportunities that present themselves.
How my background helped me: I always knew I wanted a more interesting and rewarding career than my parents and grandparents had.
The best thing about my college experience: I was able to greatly expand my horizons. I had numerous eye-opening insights about myself and about the subjects I was studying – whether I liked them or not. I was able to get involved in research and discovery, which proved to be a life-changing experience for me. And my many interactions with others outside the classroom, both friends and co-workers, had a very positive and lasting impact on my life.
My UC connections: Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz as well as Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Ph.D. from UC San Diego. My wife and children all hold professional degrees from UC, and my wife is a professor at UC Hastings College of Law.
Watch former Chancellor Blumenthal's first-gen video profile.